What if you could stop worrying about how much it’s going to hurt?
Tell me if this sounds like you...
Labor Pain Remedy is here to help you make the pain inconsequential.
…or at least to make it so small that it isn’t a key feature of your experience of giving birth?
Share how I personally have experienced three virtually pain-free births.
Reveal the Pain Sequence and how you can end it.
Give you The 4Rs for winning the head game of pain while you’re still pregnant.
Arm you with a litany of super practical techniques for coping with pain during labor.
Explore Christian theology about pain in childbearing.
Put pain into perspective so it ain’t no thang.
Facilitate you making a Comfort Plan with your partner so
that he knows just how to help you out.
And more!
I’m also a pastor’s wife, holistic health coach, and possessor of a master’s degree in counseling (yes, you could say I’m multi-passionate).
I’ve attended over 140 births in hospitals and at home, with and without medical pain relief, with OBs and midwives, and even some with no medical provider present at all. I’ve seen almost every kind of birth you can imagine. And one thing I know for sure is that women are MADE for this. We can do the hard things and we can even LIKE it.
I’m also a mama to five kids who were ALL born at home. Which means the pain management drugs were not even an option. Which means I know a thing or two about labor pain from personal experience, in my own body.
It’s not that I expected birth not to hurt, because I honestly didn’t. But because I diligently worked on so many other things that have an impact on pain, the pain just sort of… wasn’t there.
Now I’m here to share those Other Things with YOU.
You’ll get a printable, categorized list that you can reference during labor to remind you of the strategies you’ve learned when you need them most. No need to store it all in your head. I’ve got you covered.
You don’t know what a contraction feels like yet, and that mysteriousness adds to the nervousness. Labor Pain Remedy will prepare you to calmly cope with this strange new feeling like an old pro.
In your last birth you didn’t feel the contraction pain (or you opted out of it partway through) but you’ve learned more about natural birth since then and want to try it this time. Labor Pain Remedy will make sure you can confidently do just that.
labor pain remedy is for you...
Your last birth was, honestly, horrible and NOT happy and you’re terrified to do it again. Labor Pain Remedy will help develop a proactive strategy for ensuring that you won’t feel so out of control again in your next birth.
Someone you love is having a baby and you’re going to be there to support her. Labor Pain Remedy will help you know how to help her and make you into a truly awesome support person.
a mother re-born
The moment you join, you get instant access to the course bundle, plus the VIP pass to our weekly Open House calls and private community.
sounds great...
click here to buy now!
You don’t have to have made that decision yet. Labor Pain Remedy will help you decide which way you want to go regarding pain relief. By removing the dread and fear of pain, you’ll be FREE to make a decision that isn’t driven by fear of pain but by your deepest desires. If you end up deciding to get an epidural, these techniques will serve you well until it can be administered.
I won’t ever make a promise that there won’t be pain, but I will make a promise that with a little intentional preparation you can navigate and handle that pain beautifully. And if you end up having a pain-free birth - which IS a definite possibility - then maybe you’ll believe it’s real. ;)
Though there ARE programs out there that emphasize hypnosis as the primary method of eliminating pain in birth, this is not one of those programs. It’s never appealed to me so those are not the techniques I have used or teach. Hypnosis is certainly not the only way to address the issue of pain.
I will provide lists of some recommended items that you might choose to purchase as part of your toolkit of coping strategies, but none of them are required. The most expensive item on that list is about $20.
I am of the opinion - based on what I’ve witnessed firsthand and heard in other womens’ stories -- that how one responds to pain, in general, has almost no predictive power about how one responds to pain in labor. It’s a totally different ballgame, and you’ll find out why in Labor Pain Remedy.
Labor Pain Remedy is a digital product and is priced well below its real value of $97. Highly discounted products and digital products are not eligible for returns. BUT I’m confident that you WILL find it useful.
©Template by roselyncarr // photography by Brooke Collier // 2021 all rights reserved