I’m here to walk with you, like a smart older sister of 6 home-born babies, as you milk this experience for all it’s worth.
Having my babies at home has changed my life for the better and I can’t wait to show you how that can be true for you, too.
"You’re so brave. I could never..."
"Do you want your baby to die!?"
"There aren’t any awards for not getting an epidural."
"Oh honey, you just wait and see!"
But either way, you might be a tiny bit overwhelmed about all that lies between setting your intention for a home birth ...and actually getting there.
Where is the trustworthy knowledge that isn’t fear-based?
Where is the birth education that acknowledge the spiritual elements of birth isn't New Age or witchy?
Is there a pathway of prepartion that is specific to undisturbed home birth among all the ones created for hospital birth?
you need to confidently move from positive pregnancy test through your baby’s 3-month birthday?
about pregnancy, birth and postpartum that amply replaces any other birth class?
experienced birth worker, and trained counselor teaching you about all the little and big things that come up during your pregnancy?
I’m giving you all the best of what I know and who I am to help you have the transformative birth you know you were made for.
this is what I intend for you to be able to say by the time we're through...
(the most comprehensive, online natural, homebirth childbirth course out there)
Home Birth Primer
FreeBirth With God
Labor Pain Remedy
Trust God, Trust Birth Workshop
You’ll be able to work through this core content at your own pace (because you'll have lifetime access)
Inside these treasure troves, you’ll have virtually all the information and insight you need for a healthy pregnancy, a powerful natural birth, and a restorative postpartum in Brooke’s signature holistic, faith-infused flavor.
These courses will systematically move you through all the mindset shifts, physical preparation and heart-shaping needed to grow and birth your baby wild and free.
A Library of Courses
The moment you join, you get instant access to the course bundle.
Tons of workbooks, worksheets and printable guides.
Option to add on a printed, coil-bound workbook (250+ pages) to contain all your notes and handouts
So. Much. More.
sounds great...
When you enroll today, you’ll get an almost-instant link to the bundle of courses. While you await the arrival of your 200 page spiral-bound workbook, you’ll download your “syllabus” and weekly check-in forms, print them off and set to work on one of the most significant journeys you’ll ever take.
and also took up birth photography when my firstborn was 9 months old. I’ve immersed myself in birth culture and got myself into the birth spaces of as many other women as often as I could over these last 11 years, even going so far as to do a 9-month stint apprenticing with a home birth midwife, and becoming a holistic doula & birthkeeper.
I remember what it was like to find out I was pregnant for the first time — how excited and yet also how relatively clueless I was about what lay ahead. I remember how surprised I was by the nature of labor, even though I thought I had wrapped my head around it enough to be prepared. I remember how fuzzy and weepy and raw I felt those first weeks after my eldest’s birth.
I found my way through it all somehow, piecing it together with self-led research, some conversations with girlfriends who had kids already, a good midwife, prayer, and a little luck. With each birth, I learned more and got better at embracing and surrendering to the mystery of it all.
What a gift it has been that most of the births I have witnessed were “natural births” (a term that’s imperfect, but we’ll talk about that later), and that imprinted me in significant ways, even overriding the ways that culture and media had tried to throw chaotic, fear-based, ugly and unpleasant portrayals at me (as it does to all of us). Witnessing and experiencing birth occur in a normal, mostly undisturbed way has left a mark on me. I know what birth CAN be like, and I want every woman to have the option to experience it in that untainted way.
I’m also a graduate of an integrative nutrition program and former assistant to a naturopathic chiropractor, which means that the importance of nutrition and natural health remedies became an integral part of my childbearing plan.
Through it all, and perhaps most importantly, I’m a mama! A mama who wants to do her very best for her babies. From the moment I become aware there is life growing in my womb I shift into fierce mama bear mode, doing whatever I know to do that will create a gentle, healthy environment for my growing baby. I always wanted to welcome them warmly, in circumstances that protected and supported their incredible bodies and spirits, through births that honored the Creator’s phenomenal design.
Not only that, but — as a follower of Jesus, a counselor, and a naturally self-reflective person — I became curious to know what was going on in the emotional, spiritual and relational realms of the process of having babies. Truly, our whole selves are involved and impacted. Each pregnancy and birth has changed me and invited me to grow. I’ve encountered God in special ways in these places. And I know you can, too. That’s why I made Embrace Birth Journey
unofficial student of midwifery
birth photographer
birthkeeper & doula
pastor’s wife
unschooling mama
holistic health coach
consumer of coffee and chocolate
You'll start off my digging deep into your beliefs and assumptions about birth, developing a rock solid mindset rooted in God's truth, and getting on the same page with your husband. You'll learn practical tips for finding/hiring your birth team. You'll learn and implement LOADS about how to care for yourself and your baby during your pregnancy.
Learn the legalities and practicalities of home birth (from how to manage pets to getting birth certificates), take a deep dive into birth by God's brilliant design (hormonal-physiological), break the birth process down into parts and learn how to move through each phase. You'll also detect and release fears s that nothing stands in your way.
You'll learn all about golden hour, how to protect/maximize it and why that matters. And you'll put finishing touches on your "birth plan." Find out what happens if your home birth becomes risky and requires medical help. You'll revisit and address fresh fears that surface get into the headspace for autonomous birth.
During this phase you'll explore the concept of a fourth trimester and do some intentional planning to make that a restorative, set-apart time. You'll get tips for infant care and care of your own re-adjusting body. You'll spend some time reflecting on your journey and how much has changed for you along the way.
Click each number for more -->
You’re pregnant for the first time and brave enough to set your hopes on home birth. You know it’s right, but you’re also nervous and a little overwhelmed at all that there is to know. You know that Google searches and FB groups aren’t quite enough to prepare you comprehensively for this journey. You get told a lot that you’re “brave” for not having your baby at the hospital, especially your first! Sometimes that rattles your confidence, so you want to bolster yourself with a solid framework that will lead to the gorgeous birth you’re dreaming of.
You’re had babies before in a system that didn’t serve you well. You were left feeling at best a little empty and at worst, traumatized. So this time you’re stepping outside of that framework and embarking on the adventure of home birth. But home birth isn’t just a change in location, it’s a paradigm shift. Your MIL thinks you’re a little crazy for having your baby at home but you know you can do this. But you also know that some support and guidance along the way can never hurt and will help you have the redeeming birth you’re dreaming of.
You’re not new to home birth but you do know that every single pregnancy brings with it its own unique challenges and fears and requires a fresh wave of intentional preparation. You’re feeling led to dive in andgo a bit deeper this time than you have in the past. Besides, you love birth and learning about it and never want to stop.
No one can guarantee that. Birth is inherently unpredictable and risk will always be a piece of it. But even a change in birth location doesn't mean the work you have done in Embrace Birth Journey is meaningless or wasted. The ultimate goal of birth is that we GROW as women and walk with God through our journey (while keeping our babies and ourselves as safe as possible). And you will accomplish that goal through this program even if your path ends up including an unforeseen transfer to hospital.
You can refer her to the program and I would love to have her! The program is exclusively for use by the one who has invested in it, and your login information is not designed to be shared.
I know that there are many simultaneous expenses surrounding birth. For that reason Embrace Birth Journey is priced as low as I could while still having a business. But for those experiencing true financial hardship, a limited number of pay-what-you-can spots are available annually.
For sure! Inside the core course content are sections specifically for dads, written/spoken by MY husband. There is also a labor support cheat sheet and a pain management plan worksheet for him to utilize, and referrals to other resources to support him on his journey.
No, they don't tend to cover optional birthing classes.
Members of Samaritan Ministries report having their purchase of EBJ made sharable as part of their maternity need.
Ideally, somewhere in middle of second trimester. This allows you plenty of time to work through all the course content -- including the postpartum preparation stuff! -- before you give birth.
That said, I've certainly had moms join much earlier (even before they conceive) and as late as early third trimester. Do what feels right for you!
©Template by roselyncarr // Customized by rebekah read creative // photography by Brooke Collier // 2021 all rights reserved