Hey sister, I'm so glad you're here! In this space you will find little pieces of my life, free education, birth stories (loaded with photographs), and all sorts of other things related to having babies in holistic, faith-filled style! Take a cup of coffee or tea and enjoy these love-crafted words!

holistic, faith-infused musings

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Sister Birth Blog

is this really labor?


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"Giving birth and being born brings us into the essence of creation. Where the human spirit is courageous and bold and the body a miracle of wisdom."

~ Harriette Hartigan

4 of the most common hesitations for hiring a birth photographer

Why NOT to hire a birth photographer

January 20, 2023

Background Info and Context Our last birth was an unassisted one and I loved it. But this time we hired a midwife, due mostly to my husband’s desire for one, but I also sensed the Lord wanted to show me how to lean into others and receive care (something I am not great at). We […]

my birth stories :: gilbert ignatius

November 15, 2022

(This post is a sequel to my last post called What Is A Birthkeeper?) I’ve written before about what this new-ish and confusedly thrown-about term means in a general sense. And my conclusion was that you really must have a conversation with the person calling herself a birth keeper in order to really know what […]

Who I am as a birth keeper

August 16, 2022

Birth Keeper is a newer and maybe even “trendy” title, and as such, it lacks a widely agreed-upon definition. In this poist, I endeavor to tell you what it means to ME, both ideologically and practically. From the best of my ability to track down its origins, the term Birth Keeper was coined by Jeannine […]

What is a birth keeper?

August 5, 2022

Exploring what it means to be called into midwifery.

✨Are you called to be a midwife?✨

May 30, 2022

For her first birth, Dana (Dana is a conglomerate of actual women I’ve walked with; not a real person) planned a home birth with a nurse-midwife. Her birth plan was to try to have a natural birth (meaning, no pain medications, and no cesarean). She trusted her midwife to guide her through the process as it was […]

The Value of Holistic Preparation for Your Home Birth

May 26, 2022

Giving birth at home has the potential to be an incredible experience, but it’s not for everyone. Let’s explore some perfectly good reasons NOT to choose home birth.You’re too afraid of what other people think or don’t want to stir things up. You WILL get backlash and criticism and “I’m just warning you because I […]

Why you should NOT have a home birth

April 13, 2022

This phrase gets used a lot, and its definition seems to vary depending on who is using it and in what context. What is natural birth? I’m going to back up and first explore the word “natural” in a more general sense. Here’s what the American Heritage Dictionary says… Simple enough. As a believer, I […]

On the word “natural” in regards to birth

March 2, 2022

All about incorporating a cord burning ceremony into your home birth.

A Short Guide to Cord Burning

January 26, 2022

Jessica is a rooted, matter-of-fact, courageous woman whom I have admired since the day I met her. I met her while she was in labor with her late-“diagnosed” twins! She had just switched midwives so that she could still have an out-of-hospital birth she KNEW she was capable of, even as a first-time mom. That […]

a free birth story and photos :: hayley

January 20, 2022

Brooke Collier is a holist doula, christian birthkeeper, and birth photographer serving Grand rapids, MI and West Michigan and offering childbirth education around the world.

©Template by roselyncarr // ©photography by brooke collier // 2024 all rights reserved